The Grammar Goblin is all about literature.  Whether you are in the very beginning stages of writing, need a ghost writer or are just about to publish, we have what you need to get your book sparkling with perfection and ready to launch.

Our services in this area are enough to help you from start to finish or support you from wherever you are right now.  Select the self-publishing services that you need and get in touch to begin work on your masterpiece.

•   Ghost writing:
Ghost writing is for you if you have the story in your head but are not quite sure how to put it together in a beautiful way.  We take your notes, understand exactly what you want to say, to who and in what way.  Then we write the book for you, as you.  Our name does not feature on the book (unless you want to thank us in some way!!) and you get the credit.  Since it’s all your ideas and notes, written in your voice, it’s all yours!  Go on and take the credit!

•   Transcription:
If you have your book recorded in audio, we will transcribe it for you and put it down in written words.  Select the option to have us transcribe your words exactly as they are, or to edit slightly as we go.  The choice is yours and we love to see your stories take form on the page!

•   Translation from South African Sign Language to English and Translation from English to South African Sign Language:
Our writer, Kelly is also fluent in South African Sign Language.  She has a number of translated books under her writing belt and is able to seamlessly jump from South African Sign Language to English and back again.  Your Sign Language book will shine in written English, and the Deaf community will adore your English book in their natural language of Sign Language.

•   Proofreading, Light Copyediting, and Full Copyediting:
Once your book is written, you will need a professional to take a look at it. It helps to have an outside editor work on your manuscript, since they will have a fresh perspective of the work. We offer two types of editing as well as proofreading, to make sure your book is completely flawless before you send it to print.  Let’s look at our editing options and our proofreading option in a little detail.


Full copyediting: 
making necessary edits to make the text flow and stay within the particular style guide.  All the spelling, grammar, typing and tense inaccuracies are corrected, and issues in the storyline, continuity and more are addressed.


Light copyediting
making necessary edits to make the text fully understandable.  We edit major errors in grammar, typing and spelling and fix inaccuracies that could cause confusion for the reader or change the meaning.


last look at the work to iron out any typos, spelling and grammatical errors.  (This usually comes after copyediting.)


•   Typesetting:
Before you send your manuscript to the printer, you will need to ensure that it is properly set out.  Our typesetter is experienced in making sure your book is print-ready and professionally done.


•   Illustration and Graphic Design:
Because we really do judge a book by its cover.  Whether your book is written for children, young adults or adults, we have illustrators and graphic designers on team who will create the perfect illustrations for your book.  Chat with us to let us know exactly what you are dreaming of and we will make your dreams come true.  Illustrations include cover design, one of the most important aspects of your book, and truly what draws a reader to your work.

•   Printing:
If you are publishing your book yourself, you will need to make use of a good printer you can trust.  Our printers have been in the business for many years and have assisted countless authors to see their work on paper.  Let’s make your book come to life.

•   ISBN number and Distribution assistance:
Once your book is printed, it will need to be distributed.  Let us provide you with your ISBN number and give you advice for distributing your book.  Publishing your book should not be a stressful exercise, and we will ensure that it runs smoothly.

•   Author photos:
Every author needs professional photos.  You need a great headshot for your book cover and you need awesome photos for your marketing.  Book us for your author photos and show the world that you mean business.

•   Digital marketing:
As part of our self-publishing services, you can select a digital marketing package. Our author’s digital marketing package has a few options, to suit your needs.  Contact us today for our digital marketing packages pricelist.  Prices start at R500 per month.

Translation from English into seSotho, isiXosa, and isiZulu, and Translation from seSotho, isiXosa, and isiZulu into English: We are able to translate into a number of South African languages.  We believe strongly in the accessibility of language and so our translation services ensure that your written content is adapted with the utmost attention to detail.

Give more of your target audience the opportunity to read and fully understand your written work, by making use of our translation services.

•   English to isiZulu
•   English to isiXhosa
•   English to seSotho
•   English to South African Sign Language
•   isiZulu to English
•   isiXhosa to English
•   seSotho to English
•   South African Sign Language to English
•   Interpreting services for video presentations into South African Sign Language


We know that writing and publishing a book is extremely hard work and needs all the dedication and patience in the world.  We are here to walk beside you every step of the way to make your dreams of publishing a book come true.